Matthew bellamy=Mattilda bellamy

Idk why,but somehow he has the most biggest inspiration to me. Every single time i try to move away from his genre's,his lyrics and music would bring me back to square one. If it weren't for that guy i wouldn't have known This band. Thank You. Although it makes me mad sometimes that he's(Matt Bellamy) a free thinker,he's music lyrically and rhythmicly inspires me and speaks to me. Sometimes it's mostly political, modern technologies inflicting our minds and religion to me,it's the reason i got hooked. He inspires me to read more books,improve english and speak good english,believe in what you can do and of course guitar! Most of his music are not about those common things people would write on which is,love. Its either about how the government thinks that they are doing good to the country when its bad and how modern technologies has spoiled our minds,how he thinks that its easier if there were no god. All different than the always common love songs other people would write on(= If it weren't for MATTHEW BELLAMY,there wouldn't be MATTILDA BELLAMY! Long live MUSE!

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