
Ok well,firstly..Im dissapointed cuz poeple keep doubting me in Skateboarding. Doesnt mean that when i jam more than skate. Means that i dont wanna continue skateboarding! Its just that
alot of poeple have seen my best in music and that they demand me more in music than in skateboarding. I dont wanna dissapoint those poeple that demand me. But when i go to them poeple think that,oh she's not a skater anymore she's a guitarist. Its not that i dont like being called a guitarist but i want to be known equally as a skater and a rocker/guitarist! I try my best in both my passion,dont blame me for being more in the music scene and less in the skateboarding scene. Just this doubt in my skateboarding,Dissapoints me. And you know what??? I CAN OLLIE AREADI OK!!!! Amcm? Its already a progress...

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